Exhibitions Coming UP
Jan 18 - March 1 Kunsthuis Waterland, Purmerend
Feb 5 - 9 Affordable Art Fair Brussels
April 30 - May 4 KunstRai Art Amsterdam
Oct 1 - 5 Affordable Art Fair Stockholm
Oct 8 - 12 Affordable Art Fair Amsterdam
Nov 27 - Jan 4 Galerie de Ploegh, Amersfoort
KunstRai Art Amsterdam
April 30 - May 4
Booth 24
Gallery de Ploegh will represent the artists Cara Louwman, Ruben Cremers and Charlotte Burgmans.

Affordable Art Fair Brussels
February 5-9
Booth A10
ART & LEF represents Petra Rös Nickel, Nando Kallweit, Charlotte Burgmans, Julius, Mirrin de Greeff, Frederic Paul en Ramon Schalkx.
Email me for complementary tickets
Wednesday 5 February, 17:00 – 22:00, vernissage
Thursday 6 February, 14:00 – 21:30*
Friday 7 February, 12:00 – 21:30*
Satuday 8 February, 10:30 – 19:00
Sundayt 9 February, 10:30 – 18:00

Kunsthuis Waterland Purmerend
January 18 - March 1
Op zaterdag 18 januari 2024 om 15:00 uur opent Moncef Beekhof de expositie NUMMER 4. Er is live muziek van De Anjo’s.
Charlotte Burgmans, Henriëtte Coppes, Michiel Deylius, Janine Eshuis, Bernadette Goossens, Suus Kooijman, Rian Peeperkorn, Jos Verschaeren zijn het 0000artcollective. Zij maken werk dat in het verlengde ligt van wat de Nul-beweging in gang heeft gezet, dat gebaseerd is op de filosofie en vormtaal van deze beweging en dat tegelijkertijd hedendaags is.
Kunsthuis Waterland | Peperstraat 36 | 1441 BJ PURMEREND
0299 422605 | contact per e-mail
woensdag t/m zaterdag 11:00 tot 16:00 uur
Article about the exhibition: RTV Purmerend

Discovery Art Fair Frankfurt
Oct 31 - Nov 3
My art will be on view together with
8 artists of Gallery De Ploegh.

Affordable Art Fair
Stockholm Oct 2-6
Amsterdam Oct 9-13
Represented by gallery Art & Lef

Exhibition Roots June 8 - July 14 Art Aemula Naturae, Leiden

0000 Art Collective
May 24, 25, 26
The 0000 Art Collective consists of nine visual artists. At the Hunten Art Fair, Jos Verschaeren, Suus Kooijman, Bernadette Goosens, Henriëtte Coppes, Rian Peeperkorn, Janine Eshuis, and Charlotte Burgmans present their artworks, all inspired by the principles of the Zero art movement.
This influential art movement is characterized by its embrace of monochromy, repetition, seriality, and direct engagement with materials.
Within this collective, you will encounter a diverse range of disciplines, each with respect for silence, craftsmanship and the beauty of the materials.

February 7-11
Represented by
Gallery Art & Lef Groningen
Booth E2

Bos Fine Art - Utrecht DUO show
Charlotte Burgmans & Bowe Roodbergen
Erasmuslaan 9, Utrecht
Sunday December 3 Opening 3 - 5 pm, you're welcome!
Open Friday, Saturday, Sunday 1 - 5 pm
Charlotte Burgmans and Bowe Roodbergen will show their newest geometric artworks in the beautiful setting of a Rietveld Model home in Utrecht.

Essentie '100 jaar Bauhaus'
A group exhibition where the artists show works in geometric abstraction in the Rietveld Schröder House. You are very welcome.
4+ is a collaboration between Galerie Groots art and design, Kunstlokaal no. 8, Bos Fine Art and Asnova architecture.
Opening: Saturday 11 November, 3-5 pm
Erasmuslaan 9 in Utrecht, the model house of architect Gerrit Rietveld.

Gallery Art & Lef will be representing
several of my airplane plywood wall reliefs,
in a variety of sizes and colours.
Gallery owner Paul la Poutre gladly
welcomes you at booth D10.
Please contact us for complementary tickets.

Affordable Art Fair Stockholm
Gallery Art & Lef will be representing
several of my airplane plywood wall reliefs,
in a variety of sizes and colours.
Gallery owner Paul la Poutre gladly
welcomes you at booth B4.
Please contact us for complementary tickets.

Gallery Art & Lef
will be representing my art works at this fair.
They well bring several of my newest airplane plywood wall object.
You can find them at booth 21

Minimalisme - Vertrekpunt Nul
9 kunstenaars nemen deel aan deze expositie,
in de Garnizoenskerk in Ravenstein, getiteld
'Vertrekpunt nul' - hedendaags minimalisme.
Charlotte zal o.a. aanwezig zijn tijdens de opening en tijdens de finissage.
Opening zaterdag 22 april van 15.00-17.00
Finissage zondag 30 april van 15.00-17.00
Open: 21, 22 .23, 27. 28, 29, 30 april van 11.00 tot 17.00 uur
Adres: Garnizoenskerk, Servetstraat 1, Ravenstein
Meer info: Expositie Vertrekpunt Nul Garnizoenskerk Ravenstein
Exhibition Roots, gallery
De Ploegh Amersfoort
Januari 19 - Februari 26
Opening zondag 22 januari 2023 van 15.00 tot 17.00 uur
Finissage zondag 26 februari om 15.00 uur
Every Saturday and Sunday there will be a meet & greet with one of the artists. I will be around Februari 19.

8 - 12 Februari 2023
Affordable Art Fair Brussels
Gallery Gallery ART&LEF
Gallery ART&LEF represents the artists Charlotte Burgmans, Petra Rös Nickel, Frederic Paul, Nando Kallweit, Beddru, Gunda Jastorff, Julius and Mirrin de Graaf at the Affordable Art Fair Brussels.
Please contact me for complementary tickets
26-30 October 2022
Gallery De Ploegh - booth C2
Gallery De Ploegh represents the artworks of Charlotte Burgmans at Affordable Art Fair Amsterdam. You can find the booth at C2 near the restaurant.
Charlotte will be @ the fair on October 26 from 17.00 / 22.00

0000-Vertrekpunt Nul - Gallery De Ploegh Amersfoort
The opening will be Saturday October 29 at 3pm.
Meet & Greet October with Charlotte 29 and November 13.

BK - Nov. 2022

Statement Charlotte:
The wall reliefs from the 'Rain' series are inspired by the rain dance. Although the rain dance is centuries old, it is still performed by various tribes. The effectiveness of the rain dance is questionable, but to me it has symbolic meaning. Recent natural disasters caused by too little or too much rain remind us time and again that man is subordinate to nature.

Exhibition Boogie Woogie
Ode to Mondriaan
June 23 - July 31 2022
Gallery De Ploegh Amersfoort
City of Amersfoort Mondriaan 150 years.
Currently I am developing ideas for the artwork I will be showing together with 21 artists of artist association the Ploegh. All artworks will be inspired by the work of Mondriaan.

Selection of Past Exhibitions
Loods 6 Exhibition 'Eiland' - Island
April 30 - May 8 2022
Daily from 12.00 - 17.00
73 Artists will show their work inspired by the theme 'Island'. The artists gladly explain you about the artworks and their inspiration. I will be around most of the time. Just contact me if you want to meet me, so we won't miss each other.
This exhibition is an initiative of the Amsterdam Artists Association 'De Onafhankelijken' (The Independents).

Publications on Duo Art Show @ Bos Fine Art in The Hague
Sept 16 - Oct 3 2021 Invitation

The Holland Times, Sept 2021
Starting at Bos Fine Art, Contemporary Art Tour The Hague Art Sept. 24, 7-11 pm

Magazin KLEI (Clay), September 2021
Materials - Art Zaanstad Aug 28 - Oct 3 2021

DUO Exhibition Untitled TZT060
Gallery Bos Fine Art - The Hague
September 16 - October 3 2021
Open Thursday - Sunday 12.00 - 6 pm
Korte Vijverberg 2 The Hague
Charlotte Burgmans and Hubert Wurth will be showing their new works. The viewer will be surprised by the fragile and detailed work of Burgmans and the impressive collages by Wurth. An interesting and wonderful combination. Well worth a visit.
More Info:
Gallery Bos Fine Art
Paul Essens +31(0)6 8169 1660
Marianne Bos +31(0)6 1648 4645
Charlotte Burgmans +31 (0)6 15887047